And the truth. Sorry, no pictures here today folks, but this is an absolutely beautiful reflection courtesy of ayahuasca musings by the Bizzle. I insist that you read ALL OF IT. Yes, I know it's long, but if you read, realize, and remember you can say that you understand, and that's a heck of a worthy object. Here goes:
The Field of Intent
If all of you masters who are reading this now,
simply recognized, and realized, and remembered,
how powerful you are as individuals, and what a mighty collective you are,
as co-creators of reality,
in that,
you would consistently consider that every moment that you live and breathe,
is in fact, and in deed,
"A Moment of Co-Operation"
and utilize those moments to literally establish Peace on Earth,
without the necessity of establishing an enemy, and therefore, anarchy, but to come together as individuals, to therefore, constitute a collective of great masters whose soul focus
is upon peace.
Perhaps you would consider that you do not have that kind of power,
individually, however, we assure you,
that you most certainly do.
Now here is how it works.
First of all,
Consider that each of you is not an isolated unit,
that is liken unto a desert island,
but that rather,
within the context of the unified field,
each of your fields,
interacts with each of your fields collectively.
And, that in fact, and indeed,
each of your bodies, is literally ensconced within what is liken unto a cocoon,
of frequency.
it is like a bubble around you.
you carry that bubble with you everywhere you go.
And, your bubble interacts with everyone else's bubble,
and that it is through this interaction,
that you have profound effect upon your environment, and upon each other.
And, that contained within that bubble,
that we will now call,
"Your field of Intent"
contained within that field,
is quite simply, what it is that you intend.
what it is that you are focused upon currently.
You must understand,
that your intent is creative, and it is magnetic.
it is, in fact, and indeed,
quite powerful in that regard.
that in fact, what is occupying your field of intent,
is what is drawn to you, and what is created by you through that very intent.
And, we must strongly assert to you here,
that really, for the most part, you are unconscious as to what is contained within your field of intent.
And, therefore, what you create, and what you magnetize, and what you manifest,
through that field of intent is manifested by you unconsciously, and then you find yourselves
subject to your manifestation.
And, it is generally, that you don't like it.
you are focused upon what you do not like, or what you do not want,
or how it is that you are, "put upon" in some fashion or another.
And, as well,
when your intent is unconscious and willy nilly,
then it is so much easier for the unconscious intent of your neighbor to impact your own field of intent and influence it.
And, then,
you begin to manifest, quite unconsciously, the unconscious field of intent
of your neighbor that has imposed upon yours.
And, that is not a very pretty picture.
is constantly in motion.
And, when your intent, and your field of intent, is unconsciously managed by you,
then your energy is literally weak.
And, therefore,
you are subject to and available to any little burst of energy,
that comes along.
when your intent is conscious and focused,
then you cannot be subject to the unconscious unfocused intent of your neighbor,
because your field, in that it is consciously managed by you,
is a stronger energy field than if it were an unconscious one.
To clear the field of your intent -
What you require,
is simply awareness.
And, awareness is not difficult.
After all,
you don't have to go looking for your thoughts,
for wherever you go,
there they are.
The question for you to answer,
for yourselves here,
"Am I thinking consciously?" or "Am I thinking unconsciously?"
Do I "Think" my thoughts, or are my thoughts "Thinking" me?
The brilliant Buddhist masters,
have developed a profound practice, that Mr. Gere is an elegant and eloquent example of,
and that practice is this,
When ever they come upon anyone, in any context and anytime, so it is that they hold
consciously, in the forefront of their awareness,
the following intent:
"I wish you Peace."
And, they hold everyone that they come in contact with,
within the context of Peace itself.
And, thereby,
so do they,
"Teach Peace To Learn It."
"A Course In Miracles"
So, we want you to consider here,
and we want you to consider it soberly, and carefully, and continually,
what it is that you are holding in your thoughts and in your minds.
what it is that you are holding there,
is how it is,
A very few masters,
that would hold a consistent and conscious intent to peace,
have a profound effect, not only upon the world as a whole,
but in fact, upon everything.
in fact and indeed,
those whose field of intent is consciously managed,
wield great power in their CLARITY.
For, in fact,
It takes great numbers of persons so manifesting a weak field of unconscious intent
to so manifest static and distortion.
And, you can imagine,
how many persons upon the planet who are not aware of this,
and we will call it,
"personal technology"
or perhaps even
"personal energetic hygiene",
and how it is that the unconsciousness of all of those energy fields contained within a unified field so merge together to continually manifest static.
And, consider, if you will,
the profound effect of even one master,
that so
comes forth in Clarity though the context of a consciously managed field of intent,
and, you will understand a bit more clearly what it means to be
"a light unto the world."
And, in that,
we are granting you this information,
How could it be that you would hesitate a moment longer to literally be that "light unto the world" as an immaculate individual.
You, see,
it is nothing fancy.
And hygiene is hygiene.
You would not go about your day to day with an unwashed body,
and unbrushed teeth, and unkempt hair, wearing soiled clothing;
so it is,
that it is inappropriate for you to go about your day to day
with a polluted field of intent.
It is liken unto swimming in unclean water.
And, so does it manifest disease, both in your body, and in your environment.
So many are so sincerely concerned with considerations of
"save the planet"
but so many forget that how it is that you individually, either manage consciously,
or unconsciously neglect to manage your individual energy field,
is in fact, and indeed,
the source of a great deal of pollution in your world,
and that it must be attended first, and foremost.
in fact, and indeed,
so it is,
that the lady planet Earth/Heart is subject to all of you.
And, so therefore,
rather than attempting to "save the planet" it is much more skillful
for you to allow your heart to lead the way.
For, in fact,
your literal biological heart is the seat of your intelligence,
and that fact has been over-ridden by a preference for the quality of intellect
that is inherent in the beautiful machine that is the brain.
certainly, there is nothing wrong with the brain,
it is absolutely necessary, and if you attempted to do away with it,
you would certainly "lose your head."
that would not be skillful.
It is time now for you to come to understand the Genius that is "the intelligence"
of the heart itself.
your heart thinks.
And, quite literally indeed,
"The Heart Knows."
in fact,
located directly next to the heart, is the seat of the soul.
And, in fact and indeed,
your heart derives its intelligence, not only through its physical context,
and capacity, and it is greatly hormonal indeed,
but as well,
your heart derives its intelligence through direct communication and communion
with your soul.
And, that is literal.
And therefore,
all that is so inscribed upon your soul, is communicated directly unto the heart.
The Heart,
then communicates data to the brain, and the brain, doing its job of collecting information
and data from your immediate environment,
then communicates directly with the heart and thereby the soul in a continual feed back loop,
of information and data garnered through experience,
either inscribed upon the soul or collected from the immediate environment.
There are other factors that participate in this equation, as well,
liken unto all of the information and data that is inherent and inherited upon and within
the genetic and as well, all of the information and data that is inherent within the context
of the ambient energy fields of the body, and thereby,
all of the information and data that is correlated collectively, through the unified field,
and other means, by all of the bodies and energy fields in your immediate vicinity,
and that vicinity, is universal in its scope and in its context,
and therefore,
all of the celestial bodies, and the myriad of other things that are "out there" that play their part as well.
For, in fact, and indeed,
"You are Children of The Earth and Stars".
And, so we have gone quite far afield here,
in our description to you, so therefore,
let us bring it back,
"the little blue egg",
that you reside within,
that is your field of intent.
Your Energy Field.
Whatever you are holding in your intent, and thereby in your energetic field,
will so manifest for you in one fashion or another,
whether you hold it consciously or unconsciously.
So, hold it consciously.
Beauty, Truth, Harmony, Peace.
Are your thoughts beautiful?
Are your thoughts harmonious?
Are your thoughts truthful?
Are your thoughts peaceful?
You cannot simply think
"beauty, beauty, beauty"
and beauty will manifest for you.
You must come to understand the difference between a beautiful thought and an ugly one.
You cannot simply think,
"truth, truth, truth,"
and thereby become honest.
You must come to understand the difference
between "the truth and the lie",
in yourselves.
You cannot simply think,
"harmony, harmony, harmony"
and be dissonant in your attitudes and in your actions.
You cannot simply think,
"Peace, Peace, Peace,"
and be at war with your neighbor, or yourself, or anything else.
These things are simple.
They are so simple that you would consider that it is appropriate for you to run on
automatic pilot, and not attend to them.
But, that is not the case.
If you are on automatic pilot, then someone else is flying your ship,
and they are most probably even more unconscious than you are.
Does that not stand to reason?
You reside in a very intimate universe.
For, in fact, and indeed,
What could be more intimate to you than your own thoughts.
I want you to consider that you are literally so making manifest your individual
intimate universe as you think your thoughts,
and at the same time,
all of you are co-creating your collective experiential universe,
as it is that the thoughts that you think,
come together, and either enhance each other, to highest benefit,
or are at war with each other, to highest detriment.
Remember, and consider,
how intimate your universe is.
You are not cast adrift alone,
and helpless on a sea of static.
In fact, and indeed,
each of you is a sovereign energetic being that is a precious part of an unto forever
You must begin to asses and participate with your universe in an intimate fashion.
And, when you do,
you will come to understand how much power is in your hands.
Not the power to overcome an enemy, but rather, the power to overcome your own laziness,
and your own ignorance, and your own weakness.
those things are certainly the enemies of your fulfillment and your happiness.
how intimate your thoughts are to you.
And, remember,
Your thoughts are not far away from you,
but quite close at hand indeed.
to allow your heart to be the captain of your ship,
and to lead the way.
When you do,
your thoughts will become beautiful, and harmonious, and peaceful, and you will understand
for you will know, as a certainty, the difference between the truth and the lie.
you will always be honest.
And, when you are always honest, with yourself, and the world around you,
so it is,
that your fields are clarified and you are at peace.
When you are at peace,
you will teach peace to learn it.
And, therefore,
you will
you will have begun being,
at last, at last.
Read and consider well these things that we have written here,
and read them until a light is kindled in your understanding.
in the kindling of that light,
so it is that you become,
"a light unto many worlds, indeed."
be ye the brightest star in your intimate universe,
and as you do,
so will you shine with the light of truth, and beauty, and harmony, and peace,
that are REAL, and genuine, and honest, and sober, and sincere.
in so doing,
so will you kindle the light of many others as well.
Peace Be With You,
my beautiful masters.
Love I you greatly indeed,
In you I am well pleased.