Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm finally HERE!!!

After months and months of packing and repacking, (lots of that) and cleaning (not so much of that), and being excited and hyper, and sitting on my suitcase to get it closed.....

I'm finally here!!!!

I got here at like.......7 in the morning. That's 2 AM for me...yes, I know, five hours isn't supposed to make such a difference, but it so does man! I took a nap at like 11. Told my Granddad to wake me up in three hours.
I woke up at 12:30 at night.
So now there's nothing to do but sit here and blog and wait for 5 at home.(That's when everyone gets on.)
I friggin love Scotland. It's mostly the weather, which is just a little colder than at home at the moment, very sadly, and the country, which is absolutely gorgeous. All green and alive, with sheety bits of white cloudy stuff floating between us and the sun. But then there's the people, which are hilarious. The minute I got there I was ushered into the midst of a group of very tired and cranky workman, which just stared stonily and didn't actually say anything.
But then there was this one chap.....quite good looking, too, with all those blonde curls and blue eyes nonsense. He also was like 6'3, which is pretty much good in my books. Anyhow, because I'm a stupid minor, he had to walk me over to pick up my luggage. Seriously, this dude had the strongest accent I've heard in ages. It took me a minutes to realize what he was saying.
Anyhow, as we finally drove out of the airport, some dude gets stuck at the paying-for-parking booth/terminal/thingy. My Grand goes on a rant about how the signs are way too small, and he hates whoever runs this carpark, and how it's this massive hassle. I'm serious, it's like the smallest hassle ever. We just have to back up like three feet, turn into the other line for the paying thing,(of course the line's like maybe two cars) and drive out. And then he starts complaining about the traffic, which consists of maybe two cars and takes ten seconds to disappear.

I love the Scottish.

And then they always want to feed you. I wake my Mum up by accident, and the first thing she says "Honey, you've been asleep for 12 hours, you need to eat. There's potatoes in the fridge". Not even in New Jersey do they want to feed you this bad.
I stopped over in Newark for about three hours. They took us (the minors, basically me and this other rich girl flying first class to Geneva for summer break, ahemcoughbratcough)to this jail-like room where we couldn't leave without an escort even to go to the bathroom. We sat around, me, two other dudes going to Shannon and Dublin, Ireland, and some girl going to some other place I can't remember. We drank Safeway Ginger Ale and took pictures with all the weird hats we had on us (it's a british thing). They were surprisingly really cool people. After a while, while unsuccessfully trying to feed us, they took me, one dude going to Dublin, some other dude going someplace, two little kids, and a really short kid out to the big wide world. Me they shoved in a seat behind a massive filing cabinet apparently somewhere near my gate. Everyone else they took to their gates.
Finally they put me on the plane, and that happily ends there.

Anyhow, It's quite late here.........about 1 am. So I'm gonna TRY and sleep (My Mum just came in with suggestions on what I should eat) and then *maybe* take some pictures, AND ACTUALLY POST THEM, for tomorrow.
Night everybody.
(Sweet sleep.)

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