Monday, July 20, 2009

Scotland and Love

Scotland; aka I'm leaving again. With Kathy dearie. To scotty. To do absolutely glorious nothing for another week :D.

Love; I've run across a very funny post---the symptoms of love. Share in my joy.

The Signs of Being In Love
Very hygienic (To be neat and clean)
Introverted (usually)
Happy (Pretending)
OA (Over Acting if the someone is coming over)
Planner (How to seize the attention of someone)

Ok, the signs too. I would've sworn they were the same thing, but, heck, what does pimples have to do with it? God, that's kevin's problem.......he's really in love with Jimmy Sols!!!

The Symptoms of Being In Love
Anxiety (For what they have felt)
Loss of appetite (Occupied mind with someone)
Day Dreaming (Always thinking about the future, in short ambitious always associated with loss of hearing)
Inspired (to impress the someone)
Happy go lucky

So being inspired is really love? At last, enlightenment!!!

As for the week I spent in Ireland---Well I think I can sum it up in a nice, quiet sentence.

It was good.

Ok, more than good. Super good. Loads of people to talk to, people witnessing to me (yes, wtf?) people trying to feed me, rabbit food, junk food, a severe absence of liquor (:O) gardening, children, cooking awesome pizza with Nina (who is awesome too), going to art museums, lectures, tours, guides, seeing places, people again, pubs, playing pranks (not so many of these), movies, sites, chatting to all you lot, and saying fun things like "glorious" and "brilliant" and "splendid" all the time. Oh yeah, and I got some really cool indian earrings, bangles, pants, and a skirt. Points for me!!!

So now back to tea-time and telly in scotland, except with K, which should make my life a whole lot better. To mer and lisa----yes, you guys rock, but you're broke. Point proven :P. And to sister---I Lurf you!

My genius parting words; Chow down!

Om nom nom nom.

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